Credit Card Processing - Mobile

ProPay supports credit card processing for merchants operating in a typical, card-present environment.  (Where the card can be swiped or inserted into a chip reading device.)  We do so in a number of ways.
Option 1 - Use your own swipe device
If you are comfortable managing your own PCI compliance, (Technically, the standard for card-present processing is called PA-DSS, but let’s not quibble over details.) you can use your own device.  ProPay’s standard Merchant Services API allows you to submit track data as a replacement for the card number and expiration date.  This option, though, does not support chip devices. Click  here  to use your own device for mobile processing.
Option 2 - Use a ProPay approved swipe device
ProPay offers a number of readers that perform encryption immediately when customers swipe their cards. This works because ‘ProPay Approved Devices’ house our encryption key, and provide you with a value secured with it. Obviously, these devices will only work with ProPay, and currently, the only readers we have that work this way don’t support chip cards. A merchant, or payment facilitator who wants to use this method will integrate as follows:
  • Use the device manufacturer’s SDK to get ‘encrypted track data’ off of the reader and onto your own device (PC, Mac, smartphone, or tablet.) You will need the encrypted block, and a ‘Key Serial Number’ from the device. 
  • Send the [encrypted track data], [key serial number], and [device type] to the ProPay Merchant Services API instead of sending a card number and expiration date.
This website does not host a download link, or documentation for manufacturers’ SDKs, but a ProPay Sales Engineer can provide them to you. ProPay’s own API documentation will provide with the details for submitting the encrypted data to us. Click  here  to use one of ProPay's recommended swipe devices.
Option 3 - Use the ProPay chip capable reader, and the ProPay SDK
For our newest reader, ProPay has built out an SDK that provides both for communication with the device, and for submission to our API.
  • Our newest reader supports chip, swipe, and contactless NFC
  • Our newest reader connects to a device either via USB, or Bluetooth.
  • Our newest reader does NOT have a pin pad, and does not support PIN debit.
Currently, methods exposed by the ProPay swipe SDK are not maintained on this website. Click  here  to obtain our SDK and its documentation. Using this SDK requires a working key that you must obtain from the ProPay Merchant Services API. All methods exposed via the SDK require this key. Click  here  to obtain a working key for the mobile SDK.
Option 4 - Genius
ProPay (a TSYS company) and Cayan (a TSYS company) are integrated in such a way that users of the Cayan Genius solution can process point of sale transactions onto a ProPay merchant account. Click  here  to visit the Cayan website and learn more about this fantastic solution.
Option 5 - ProPay Mobile App white labeling and scheming
ProPay offers a mobile Android and iOS app to its own merchants. We also sell the ability to “white label” that app to partners who service merchants. A few things to consider:
  • Our app is NOT a full Point of Sale Solution. It is a merchant facing app that allows for swipe, chip, or hand-keyed transactions by a merchant.  It is not suitable for typical “brick and mortar” retail because it offers no SKU or inventory management, no barcode reader, and no cardholder facing interface on a device that sits on a counter.
  • Our app requires use of either a ProPay approved swipe device, or the ProPay EMV chip reader.
  • It can take a few months to white-label the ProPay app, and costs for so doing will need to be discussed with a ProPay sales rep.
With the ProPay app, (whether it’s white-labeled, or provides the default look and feel) it’s possible to “URL Scheme” data to change the user experience. Doing so will allow you to create a near-seamless experience between your own mobile solution, and the ProPay App. Click  here  to learn about URL scheming the ProPay mobile app.