Embedding ThreatMetrix into your Processing Flow

ProPay will help you to download a hidden JavaScript widget that you are expected to place on your website. This widget will gather information about the computer accessing your website and send it to ThreatMetrix.

Step 1: include the ThreatMetrix widget on your website.
In one of the pages you present to a new user during signup, you need to include this information in your html header:
     <script type="text/javascript"
In the body of your page, you should include the following:
    <iframe style="width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 0; position: absolute; top: -5000px;"
org_id will usually be '4uw65rkp' (However, in some special cases, ProPay may elect to provide partners with their own org_id.)
session_id should be a value that you generate to uniquely identify an individual signup instance. (Explained further below) It should consist of:
  • Upper and lowercase English letters (a-z, A-Z)
  • Digits (0-9)
  • Underscore (_)
  • Hyphen (-)
Step 2: Pass many of the same values into the ProPay API when you Process.
(These additional tags are also documented under the various processing API methods)
Request Value Type Description
InputIpAddress String Collect this from the header info as the customer processes through your website.
SessionId String This is the same unique identifier you picked and sent to Threat Metrix via their widget.

ProtectPay SOAP example
If you use the non-tokenized ProPay API to process transactions, simply pass the two extra tags in the body of your message. Users of ProtectPay need do follow a slightly more complicated format

<fraud:FraudDetector xmlns:threatmetrix="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Propay.Contracts.FraudDetection.Providers" type="threatmetrix:ThreatMetrixFraudDetection">
Just take me to the API docs