Providing access to Merchants’ Funds

Once money has settled into the ProPay accounts belonging to your merchants, you need to provide them with a means to access it.  ProPay works a little bit differently than a “traditional” merchant account where all money is automatically sent to a bank account.  Instead, money settles into the ProPay account (Often more quickly than money would normally land into a merchant’s bank.)  Once money exists within a merchant’s ProPay account, you will want to provide them access to it.  You have several options. 

Just Leave Money in the Account
Don't laugh. ProPay doesn't benefit from this option. In fact, leaving transaction proceeds in each merchant's ProPay account can be the easiest way to provide them with multiple ways to manage their funds. It also helps partners avoid the massive effort that it takes to build a banking interface for their merchants. (Reading in our data dumps and web hooks to provide access to 'bank statements')

Pretty much every option (with the exception of sweeps) can be managed on the ProPay website whose various components can be white-labeled, and embedded into your platform using  Single-Sign-On . ProPay recommends letting merchants manage their own funds when a partner wants to allow purchases by those merchants using Spendback.
Traditional ACH Options
There are two basic flavors of funding via ACH. The first is to request that ProPay set up what is known as a  Sweep . This is how most credit card processors get merchants their money, but may not be the best solution for your customers. With a sweep, you give up control over funds and cannot benefit from Spendback, or the revenue opportunities associated with Flash Funds or the ProPay MasterCard debit card.

The second option is to manage  ACH Deposits  yourself. This can be very challenging due to a standard customer expectation that you provide reconciliation reports as well as the money. Every KIND of transaction must be included in a report whose total lines up with the deposit amount. Some of these transactions may very well have been initiated by a partner's system, but others (such as chargebacks) will be a surprise to the partner until read in from ProPay's reports and web-hooks. This means that partners who want to handle ACH transactions on their own, must read in ProPay's files and listen to ProPay's web hooks.

Whichever option you choose requires that you provide your merchants with an interface that allows them to maintain the on-file bank attached to their ProPay accounts. ProPay's signup interfaces all gather this information, and you can  Update a Bank Account  using the ProPay API.
The ProPay MasterCard Debit Card
ProPay can provide your merchants with a branded debit card (our brand for free. Your brand for an initial setup cost.) tied directly to the balance in their accounts. We send these cards all over the world as part of our Global Disbursements product, and they work great. Merchants really like them because they offer easy access to the funds that settle in their accounts. Partners also like the ProPay card solution because it creates another revenue stream which we can share.

Partners who provide the ProPay debit card to their merchants cannot use ACH sweeps, and in almost all cases, card-using merchants manage their account on our website. (Where  Single-Sign-On  is, of course an option) There are a couple of methods that might come in handy if you want to manage the entire user experience yourself. Namely  Flag for PIN Mailer  and  Mark Card Lost/Stolen 
Flash Funds
ProPay can help your merchants transfer money directly to their own debit cards. This option costs a bit of money to merchants because these transactions traverse a credit card brand's processing network, and there is also a ProPay markup (from which you can benefit).

Integrating Flash Funds into your user experience can either be done using  Single-Sign-On  or you can integrate via the API methods  Add Card  and  Transfer Flash Funds